News & Insights

Get insights and analysis from Water in the West researchers as well as the latest news about new Stanford water research and events focusing on western water issues.

September 15, 2017  | Stanford News Service  | News

Devon Ryan


A new web portal puts four years of California drought data into an interactive format, showing where regions met or missed water conservation goals. The idea is to motivate awareness and conservation.

September 01, 2017  | Stanford News Service  | News


Stanford experts comment on how climate change and infrastructure planning contribute to the severity of impacts from extreme weather events like Hurricane Harvey.

August 31, 2017  | Water in the West  | Insights

Bea Gordon


We had the chance to visit with two farmers, Cannon Michael of Bowles Farming Company and Brandon Morris of B&D Morris Farms, about what it is like as farmers in California and what they wish the rest of us knew about water, food, and agriculture.

August 07, 2017  | Stanford News Service  | News

Devon Ryan

Leon Szeptycki, executive director of Stanford’s Water in the West program, discusses the challenges and responses to managing water in a changing climate.

July 27, 2017  | Water in the West  | Insights

Benjamin Bryant with contributions from Phil Saksa


Researchers are exploring how decisions aimed at managing fire in forest landscapes affect water flows for people and nature.

June 05, 2017  | Water in the West  | Insights


There is potential to shift the dynamic between fish and people beyond finger-pointing.  Is California up to the task?

May 11, 2017  | Water in the West  | News

Devon Ryan

A team of law students led by Leon Szeptycki and Brian Gray develop four case studies that look at water law during the California drought.

April 28, 2017  | Stanford Woods Institute for the Environment  | News

Rob Jordan


Studying how and why bridges have collapsed in the past identifies the limitation of current risk assessment approach and demonstrates the value of new perspectives on climate change impact.

April 26, 2017  | Water in the West  | Insights

Ilana Crankshaw

A case study of San Mateo County's effort to be transparent & proactive in assessing its groundwater basin.

April 25, 2017  | Water in the West  | News

Groundwater taken from deep wells is thousands of years old and thought to be pristine and free of contaminants. However, a new study raises questions about its purity.
