The Power of Stanford: Academic Research, Applied Solutions
Stanford University established Water in the West in 2010 to address the West’s growing water crisis and to create new solutions that move the region toward a more sustainable water future.
A joint program of the Stanford Woods Institute for the Environment and the Bill Lane Center for the American West, Water in the West marshals the resources of one of the world’s preeminent research institutions to address one of the most urgent questions about the West’s future—how can the region continue to thrive despite growing water scarcity?
Water in the West bridges the gap between academic research and applied solutions by creating new practical tools and forming strong partnerships to inform policymakers, water managers, businesses and environmental groups. Stanford University brings a range of unique assets to solving the West’s water scarcity challenge, including world-class faculty, researchers and students across an extraordinary breadth of disciplines; and credibility capable of influencing a broad range of leaders.
Water in the West harnesses these resources toward solving the West’s growing water scarcity problem.