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March 19, 2015  | Water in the West  | Insights

Janny Choy, Research Analyst, Water in the West

  On March 4, 2015, Water in the West hosted a panel of three Stanford experts to discuss the ongoing California drought, including causes, policy implications, and potential responses.   Despite a promising start to the rainy season, dry conditions have prevailed through most of California in the past three months.  A fourth year of drought is more and more likely with each...

March 16, 2015  | Stanford Woods Institute for the Environment  | News

Water in the West researchers compile best practices, forward solutions to ensure enough water is available for natural systems and people. This story is part of a series about Stanford researchers developing solutions to water supply and access challenges affecting billions of people.

February 18, 2015  | Stanford News  | News

A new analysis produced by Stanford's Water in the West Program provides a blueprint for overhauling the way California funds water infrastructure and innovation projects.

December 19, 2014  | Stanford Woods Institute for the Environment  | News

Newsha Ajami of Water in the West met with officials in São Paulo, Brazil, which may have only a few weeks of water supply left.

December 09, 2014  | Water in the West  | Insights

A new report on water governance and climate change through the lens of the current California drought has just been released by Stanford University’s Water in the West Program. This report, authored by Water in the West visiting scholar Jacqueline Peel and research analyst Janny Choy, summarizes the insights, lessons and key findings of a workshop hosted by Water in the West in September 2014,...

December 05, 2014  | Stanford News  | News

Earlier this fall, a team led by Stanford geophysicist Rosemary Knight performed an ambitious experiment to determine the extent of ocean saltwater intrusion into underground freshwater in the Monterey Bay region.

November 21, 2014  | SF Gate  | Insights

New Op-Ed by Buzz Thompson explores how we can get the most out the recently passed $7.5B water bond.

November 17, 2014  | Water in the West  | Insights

Water in the West postdoctoral fellow Debra Perrone recently participated in the Science Teaching Through Art (STAr) program, which helps scientists and engineers become more effective communicators to people outside their own fields. The program includes outreach to local high school and community college students through poster sessions, which is an excellent opportunity both for...

October 27, 2014  | Water in the West  | Insights

It is human nature to fear the unknown.  If you are a water manager, your “fear list” may include earthquakes, climate change, having your water use made public and not least of all, new laws and regulations.  California has a law that is new and complex – the Sustainable Groundwater Management Act.  At this point, many summaries of the new legislation have been developed such as...

October 23, 2014  | Stanford Woods Institute for the Environment  | News

California Gov. Jerry Brown joins water experts at Stanford for discussion of policy prescriptions and new research on improving water management
