News & Insights: Urban Water

Get insights and analysis from Water in the West researchers as well as the latest news about new Stanford water research and events focusing on western water issues.

September 10, 2018  | Stanford Engineering  | News

Tom Abate, Shara Tonn

A newly ​developed model looks at how updated regulations and financing options could help renew our aging water infrastructure.

January 24, 2018  | Water in the West  | News

Sarah Derouin

New research proposes a regional and collective management approach to water resources based on realities of supply and demand.

December 21, 2017  | Water in the West  | Insights

Bea Gordon

An overview of the Water in the West researchers, students, postdocs, and faculty who attended and presented at the American Geophysical Union 2017 Fall Meeting.

December 03, 2017  | Stanford News   | News

Governor Jerry Brown has reappointed Newsha Ajami to the San Francisco Bay Regional Water Quality Control Board for another four year term. 

October 25, 2017  | Stanford News   | News

Victoria Stein


With a new web-scraping and search algorithm and real water utility data, Stanford researchers have shown a relationship between media coverage of the recent historic California drought and household water savings.

September 15, 2017  | Stanford News Service  | News

Devon Ryan


A new web portal puts four years of California drought data into an interactive format, showing where regions met or missed water conservation goals. The idea is to motivate awareness and conservation.

September 01, 2017  | Stanford News Service  | News


Stanford experts comment on how climate change and infrastructure planning contribute to the severity of impacts from extreme weather events like Hurricane Harvey.

April 28, 2017  | Stanford Woods Institute for the Environment  | News

Rob Jordan


Studying how and why bridges have collapsed in the past identifies the limitation of current risk assessment approach and demonstrates the value of new perspectives on climate change impact.

April 18, 2017  | Water in the West  | News

Devon Ryan

Financing for water projects and aging infrastructure is critically needed but hard to come by. Stanford researchers highlight innovative approaches with a “Living Map” of case studies around the country.

March 28, 2017  | Water in the West  | News

Devon Ryan

Stanford’s Water in the West program ranks states in the Colorado River Basin on their use of and support for a legal tool enabling water rights holders to voluntarily transfer their water to benefit the environment.
